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In this interview, Trovato discusses his journey to becoming a master craftsman, how his playing – and guitar playing in general – has changed over the years, and explores his search for, and definition of, tone.
Guitar Planet’s own Evan Dexter sits down to discuss music, teaching, and the upcoming album from All Star guitarist Steve Trovato.
Trovato is most often recognized for his teaching career, although he performs regularly and has a new album in the works. In this interview, he offers some observations about how technology has changed the classroom environment and the role of the recording artist.
Two guitar greats, Carl Verheyen and Steve Trovato, appear on the Napa Valley Opera House stage Friday night in a performance presented in conjunction with the Napa Musicians Performance Guild.
Best known as an educator at the University of Southern California’s Studio Jazz Department, and as the author of many guitar instruction books, Steve Trovato is also recognized as a guitarist’s guitarist.
Jerry Reed’s “Guitar Man” is the perfect opener for Steve Trovato’s sophomore release – not only thematically (the song made famous by Elvis is about a “swinging little guitar man”) but stylistically.
We caught up with Steve as he completed his new release, Country Jazzmaster.
This lesson is a 12-bar blues consisting of four must-know Travis-style rockabilly licks and some classic bass note “walk ups.”